Twilight Bowls

Twilight Bowls – 2 Nov 2022

With snow in Oberon and Walcha, it was a chilled night at Belrose with 36 bowlers.

The first bowl down tonight scored the “First Toucher” jug of beer – well done Sean Quinn.

Overall winners tonight with a margin of 10 was the Johnson family who managed a lucky win without the crowd favorite Tom Johnson.

Runners up were Matthew Brains team who were amazed that one of their number chose to bowl unshod in Antarctic winds.

Whilst “The Newman” found his grove on Rink 5, Our Vice Chairman found Janice, Frank, Lorraine and Richard a challenge on Rink 3.

Rink Two was a Motley Crew who slugged it out until the last bowl. One of the skips was complimented on the Nana knitted jumper he wore to ward off the cold. The end score on that rink didn’t matter – bowls was the winner.

Thank you to all the bowlers who braved the summer cold tonight and a big thanks to Sean Crowe-Maxwell, Rody Manning and Mark Bowen for organizing a fun night.
